Basement Buildouts Are Full of Possibilities

Among some circles, the term “basement” is a dirty word. It conjures up images of musty cellars, broken furniture or smoky bars.

Those images couldn’t be farther from the cozy “lower levels” that are becoming standard in today’s homes.

“Basements are such an untapped space of possibilities,” says Anna Leimann, designer at Advance Design Studio in Gilberts. “It can really add some customization to your needs and your hobbies when you do a basement remodel.”

Advance Design Studio’s clients often come in search of an extra entertainment area, where amenities like kitchenettes and bars, home theaters and children’s play rooms are top of mind.

They may also want in-home gyms, hobby rooms and in-law suites.

Before you begin, there are some important considerations.

Basements are full of things like electrical wiring, plumbing and ductwork, and structural supports, like metal poles. Although these elements can be moved, it’s an expensive proposition.

As an alternative, designers like Leimann disguise these elements. They might turn a pole into a decorative beam or an air duct into a soffit.

When it comes to budgeting, no two basements are quite the same, so early estimates are a challenge. Leimann recommends starting with a list of ideas and inspirations, and a general sense of how much you’re willing to spend. This helps the designer to plan more effectively, she says.

Once the dust has settled, a great basement buildout is a showpiece, for both client and designer. It’s a space where fun and practical needs meet with some outstanding results.

“This is a space with so many possibilities,” Leimann says. “It all depends on what the homeowner wants and how they’ll make the most out of this space.”

Advance Design Studio is located at 30 Railroad St., in Gilberts. For a consultation, call (847) 836-2600.